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Various selection of pictures from 2006 in Sierra BP: Deadman's Canyon Loop. Click on pictures for medium view. Right-click/save to save and/or view different resolutions.

   Ahh, the first day. Posing next to every meadow we come across, this will end soon : )
Outside Lodgepole, Sequoia Natl Park

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   More playful pictures on day 1.
Outside Lodgepole, Sequoia Natl Park

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   The desert camry! This time holding up traffic to get a picture.
Tunnel Log, Sequoia Natl Park

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   The four of us doing some touristy stuff on the way out of the park after our bp.
Moro Rock, Sequoia Natl Park

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   Our drive into the park, you can see Moro Rock off in the distance.
Road into Sequoia National Park

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   First day hiking
Sequoia National Park, CA

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   Bring it on mozzies! I'm immune to your nastiness!
Twin Lakes, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Alex and myself doing some navigating
Silliman Pass, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Me crossing Sugarloaf Creek very gingerly with barefeet. Brrr.. cold water.
Sugarloaf Creek, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Pre-dinner shoe drying. Come on, dry faster!
Sugarloaf Valley a couple miles west of Roaring Rivers, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Making the turn up to Roaring Rivers, everyone in good spirits.
Roaring Rivers area, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Follow trail to the dead guy...
Roaring Rivers, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Muddy grass hiking. No problem if you had boots... Katy didn't.
Deadman's Canyon, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Whoa... there really is a dead guy here. And, um... if you look carefully there are some bones sticking out... is that a pelvis?
Deadman's Canyon, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   This looks like an easy crossing.. what's hard to tell is the solid slab on the river bottom. With a slight alge cover... nice and slick.
Deadman's Canyon, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Carolina posing with a pretty set of falls.
Deadman's Canyon, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   This scene would bring tears to your eyes it was so beautiful. Pictures cannot do it justice. (especially my crap pics).
Deadman's Canyon, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Nearing our campsite, the clump of trees to the right. Elizabeth Pass is up ahead... uh... the ranger said it was passable...no snow... that's not what i see.
Upper Deadman's Canyon, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Hello?! Does this look passable to you without crampons and ice axes? Ack...
Going up to Elizabeth Pass, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Fuck Elizabeth, that bitch. I hate her, whoever she is. Damm her and that pass named for her. Fuck it was hard...
Elizabeth Pass, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Here we are about to lose a piece of the filter we brought. Of course we only brought one... doh!
Decending Elizabeth Pass, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Leisurely downhill hiking... it is really steep here. I'm glad we came up the other way.
Approaching Bearpaw Meadow, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Katy. She's fighting through the pain in her knees, but we can't stop, gotta keep going.
Approaching Bearpaw Meadow, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Hey, a bridge! Cool, no getting wet here. In about 30 seconds we're going to encounter a drunk Japanese hiker.. he wasn't very good for directions : )
Past Bearpaw Meadow, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Trying to keep warm, mosquito free, and trying to get our shit dry. Alex and I dragged half a forest for this fire...
A couple of miles west of Bearpaw Meadow, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Nice view off in the distance, great granite mountains, and a long way down!
High Sierra Trail, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   I got a present for you, take a look inside!
Lodgepole, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Some sightseeing after the BP. That 'branch' fell from the General Sherman Tree. Uh... nice branch.
General Sherman Tree, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Katy falls down a lot. This was the first of a bunch on the trail. Day 1!
Outside Lodgepole, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Carolina the super adventurer. She doesn't look the part, but she will kick you ass up any mountain.
Outside Lodgepole, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Wowzers, the view from our first campsite.
Twin Lakes, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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Twin Lakes, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Wake up Carolina!
Twin Lakes, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Carolina doing some map work while we kick it during a break...
Silliman Pass, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Alex with an amzing view.
Silliman Pass, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Katy looking down on Ranger Lake
Decending to Ranger Lake, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Damm sugarloaf, we crossed that river many times...
Sugarloaf, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Alex and Carolina next to Roaring River
Roaring Rivers, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   This is Katy eating it big time and the cause of her hating rocks!
Deadman's Canyon, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Alex is always happy, he's a good guy.
Deadman's Canyon, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Keeping warm and the mosquitos at bay. Firewood was a bit hard to come by here.
Upper Deadman's Canyon, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Heading up to the Elizabeth Pass.
Upper Deadman's Canyon, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   I was beat and Carolina took the lead up. Way to go. I was ready to go back but her alpine skills saved the day.
Upper Deadman's Canyon, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Taking a deserved break at the top.
Elizabeth Pass, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Carolina's view down to Bearpaw Meadows.
Decending Elizabeth Pass, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   That's a big tree! The world biggest in fact!
General Sherman Tree, Sequoia Natl Park, CA

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   Dammit... we have such a great trip and some asshole breaks into Carolina's car at the park'n'ride. Fucker...
Carmel Valley Park'n'Ride, CA

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