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Various selection of pictures from 2008 in Underwater Strobe/Camera testing. Click on pictures for medium view. Right-click/save to save and/or view different resolutions.

   Stupid-ass camera! I spent the last 2-3 weeks buying stuff and assembling crap and this is what i get? She-it.. so the external strobe isn't firing when it's supposed to...
San Diego, CA

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   Just with the built-in flash. Nice reflection off the housing... grrr..
San Diego, CA

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   After an hour or two i was trying ramdon shit. Screw the manual. So the combo of using manual flash seems to work...
San Diego, CA

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   With out the diffuser... i think i'll leave it on.
San Diego, CA

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   On sat the sibley's had a lawn party (they just got a new $16k artificial lawn) and i enlisted the kids to help me test the camera/housing. Here's Conner underwater.
San Diego, CA

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